Der Elefant- the elephant

About 14 years before, a friend of mine said to me: "You know, sometimes I am so foolish to believe that I am young. But that is not true. I am old. I was so affected by theese sad words, that I wrote the poem "Der Elefant" I choose the elephant as central figure on purpose, because that an elephant has grey hair has nothing to do with his age. First, the poem was only the part where I sing solely. 2016-last year I added the part for the . choir and made the music.- I think you can better understand my intention I had with this poem, when I wrote it. It is a complete counterpart to the sad elephant, a strong and light one. May this song encourage you, to do what you want to do- what your heart wants you to do, no matter how old you are.

To realize the song "der Elefant" I had the luck that I were allowed to practice with the choir "KILIANO" from Lore Schätzlein. It became clear that for the first recording, a few strong voices would be enough. The choir is sung by Lydia Arnd, Constanze Buermayer, Ute Kehbein, Saskia Petersen, Kirsten Freiwald, Stephan Schrötke, Ralf Schulze and me.

Maria-Anastasia Hörner played the piano,. Anne Rogge the cello and Heiko Hartig the drums.

Thank you for all those people who helped to realize this song, for each support: by doing, by words, by good thoughts :-)


DeR Elefant- The elephant- Translation


The elephant Theobald is fine in the circus "just doze"

When he is free in the manege, his chains are falling

the narrow wagon- who cares?

even the darkness has gone

When he may lay his foot on the velvet chair.


He need not suffer hunger and the tamer has too much power

 that's what Theobald sees in his face (eyes)

and what is more- the wretch distributes

delicious treats when successful tricks/feats are made.


But sometimes the elephant dreams whith trembling nostrils

of the prairie, which he knew

But elephants of circus know:

They are too old to survive there

Go, where your heart calls you to. Let beautiful things happen.

Free yourself from the chains of fear

Choose what you get.

He registrated his grey hear yet

He doesn't feel the fire (he had)any more

which  he had formerly

yust because he found it funny

roam through the steppe marvelously.


Mat are his eyes, dark the blood,

the horseback riding - a crime.

Exuberance-seldom good

there are good reasons against it:

Theobald is fine in the circus,

He is just a bit old. .

Let us go, where the heart calls us to, let beautyful things happen.  Free yourself from the chains of fear, of cause you are afraid....

Free from the chains of fear, Let us go, where the heart calls us to, yes, free yourself from the chains of fear.

To be free, tö be free

Free from your fear...

Choose, what you do.


Link to the song




Recording "der elefant"